By Louise de Leyritz from Castor (

As companies engage in operational analytics, operational departments in companies are using data. For this reason, there is a need to distribute data from the warehouse to different cloud applications used by operational teams.

This explains the recent explosion in the past two years of Reverse ETL tools. (internal, open-source, and SaaS). This new trend is not going to stop, and we'd rather bring visibility and structure soon.

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At CastorDoc, we believe the first step to structure the Reverse ETL tools market, is more transparency. For that reason, we put up a list of all the Reverse ETL tools we heard of.

<aside> 💡 This list is still exploratory, may contain errors, or lack information. Please reach out to us, if you notice anything wrong: [email protected]


Get started on Reverse ETL

<aside> 📢 In-depth analysis and evolution Read the full breakdown by generation and market analysis of Reverse ETL **here.**



Deeper dive into Reverse ETL tools

Reverse ETL Benchmark and Key Features

Additional comparisons and benchmark resources

What Is Operational Analytics?